Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer Reading

     Only once did I get sent to sleep away summer camp, on a biking trip through Vermont with my best friend who, after about three days of close proximity, I decided to never speak to again. Except I did, a day later and this pattern continued throughout the trip the only thing to distract us from the pouring rain, the what seemed like 90 degree inclines, and that weird girl who at the tender age of 13 was already donning a thong.  I wasn't prepared for the social aspect of SUMMER CAMP nor the amazing combinations of curses that would boil over as I begged god to strike me down right there on Mt. Terrible. No lie, we biked up a mountain named Mount Terrible.
     In later years I've gotten a better grip as to what proper summer activities are and they include: leaving your house only under the cover of darkness and: moving as little as possible. Daytime activities are pretty much limited to T.V., eating, and book reading. You can't eat too much you don't want to be that girl who got fat over summer. You can't watch too much T.V. because you'll get cancer and/or bad ideas if you watch a marathon of Killers: And the Women Who Love Them. The only safe bet is reading it's entertaining and it's retro. In case you haven't heard all the kids are going retro these days and putting feathers in their hair. Anyways, here are some of my summer time favorites I like to revisit.
You can spend ALL your summers reading this.
But seriously, beautiful novel.
 Nobody thinks like Kelly Link. So weird, so wonderful.
J.D. Salinger wishes he could write like DBC Pierre.
Angsty graphic novel about a friendship falling apart.
Esther Greenwood spent her summer vacation trying to kill herself.

Experience the dangers of love,
red heads, and pyramids.

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