Thursday, April 21, 2011

No Money? No Problem!

Ok, so many of  us are strapped for cash these days. Some of us have illegitimate children, some of us just had our car towed (thanks Brooklyn!), car insurance, rent, ad boredom ad nausea. But boy if you google "what to do when you have no money" some great ideas from the greatest minds will grace your little lap top screen!

"I like to walk around the lakes and play raquetball. It gets my agressions out and its a great workout. I also like to go bowling. It's cheap and also a good workout. I have two neices and two nephews  so when I go home I chase them around for  hours outside. I just like to play" 

...says one gentile user on the CollegeNET forum. He might find that that lining his nieces and nephews against a wall and pegging them with little rubber balls will better soothe this aggressive spirit and at the same time will instill  in his younger relatives  a lesson that gets harder to accept with age: life is cruel. It's also a great workout.

"this is such a cute topic! it is true that you don't have to spend a lot to have fun. I especially like window shopping at the mall or downtown. Did you know you actually walk a mile without noticing at a mall? it is good exercise! i like taking walks at the lagoon near my school, its such a good place to take pictures or just relax. there is even a place to have a picnic! ALL free!"

I also like window shopping and listlessly walking through the mall lost, wondering why all American Apparel models look like 13 year olds aspiring to be anorexic porn stars. It's like the chicken or the egg, are they aspiring 13 year old sluts or ARE they already 20 year old NYU kids into blow?

"I love to take pictures. Im really into photography and currently Im making a scrapboook of my boyfriends kids...its been real fun but the scrapbooking gets expensive when you first have to buy the stuff digital pictures are not that expensive. I got walmart and can print about 75 pictures for about 14 bucks..its great"

but see while you're supporting your boyfriends kids (seriously you're THAT into them? whatever), while you're developing film at Walmart you're exploiting other small children who work for pennies a day so when  your boy comes home from banging whoever he can peruse through your scrapbooks.  

"Not to sound too pathetic, but, I’m not from here so I really can’t say that I have any friends here. So I can’t go to McD’s and share a fry (actually I’ve never eaten there, I’d go to Chipotle instead). Anyway, you get my point… The people at my college that I’ve met all have families and they are busy with them.

No friends in Minnesota
Too cold to go to a snow covered park
Anything free to do in Minnesota?
As for outdoor sports in the winter, that's not for me. 
I think that the mall would get old real quick, going by myself, besides it takes gas to get there. 
I’m in a real pickle, financially. I’ve never been so unstable before in my life, financially. 
I’m just about to lose my mind going stir crazy in the house. 
At least I’ve got via the internet:)"

No wonder it sounds like you want to kill yourself,  you're only joy in life is You're in Minnesota, go stalk (and stalking is totally free!) the members of Doomtree, Atmosphere, and Brother Ali. I'll spot you for your Chipotle after we talk about how great hip hop is. One veggie taco only, I too have no money. 

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