So you want bangs? You spent half of third grade getting rid of them, flopping them back against your scalp while resembling a toothless shetland pony in your soccer photos of '98 (go glaciers!) and now you want them back? You adult toothed fool.
You're still convinced, so instead of dealing with the idea of maybe like telling So&So how you really feel about him or getting your ass to the financial aid office you will deal with this other life altering event. Other girls with bangs are cool! They look mysterious and edgy and maybe with bangs you will master the art of liquid eye liner. Go for it, whatever but don't be alarmed if you experience the following emotions or sensations...
Phase 1: Oh My God, this is way too fucking short, I look like a pony.
Phase 2: Hey, I look kinda cool in my rearview mirror. Buying cigarettes after the haircut you are convinced people are looking at you differently in like a, "I totally want to bone her" way.
Phase 3: Looking in the mirror the next morning, they (the bangs) are sticking up in all kinds of directions and that eyeliner you were vainly playing with before you went to bed last night has taken permanent residence in your eye sockets. You think you look like that guy from The Cure, and you're totally right.
Phase 4: Welts bubble and hiss as you remove the straightening iron from your forehead. (WHY HAVE I BEEN SO STUPID TO GET THESE???? ALL THEY DO IS POOF UPPPPP) *Sob*
Phase 5: Ask all your friends if they like your bangs, they all say they're cool but you're not convinced so you start asking everyone including the guy making your sandwich at Subway.
Phase 6: They begin to grow out and you two are learning to co-exist. You and your bangs are at a party one night and someone you haven't seen in a while compliments you, you are so flattered you get drunk in hopes some boy might talk to you.
Phase 7: Eyes are too achey to put contacts in the night after puking and you wear your glasses. Your bangs and your glasses are like Genghis Kahn and Napoleon on a mission to take over your face. OMG you don't even have a face, who the hell ARE you? Zorro?
Phase 8: You feel ok just disappointed, after all, you thought these bangs were going to open all kinds of new doors for you and you STILL have no clue about eye make-up. But your bangs are kinda cool, in fact, you might even be kinda cool.
Phase 9: You didn't join a band, or become cuter or smarter-er but you've gotten better at not burning your head and they're growing out.
Phase 10: You begin to contemplate putting feathers in your hair, now THAT will change your outlook on life.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Tony's Ponies
This was something I had to write for school when I was seventeen. I'd like to work on it when I'm not completely burnt out from situations similar to the one below.
Two years ago I would not have believed that that was the same horse. Salem was stabled at my childhood barn when I was fifteen, when I first met him I was in awe. Looking at a handsome horse is never tiring. To begin with, Salem comes from a breed called Percheron which is a type of Draft horse. In short, he is huge, tall basketball players and half-giants can peek over his back, the exceptions end there. He was completely black with an everlasting shaggy winter coat. Despite his lack of grooming, he was gorgeous with an extremely kind personality. He was bought at the New Holland Auction which is where a large number of Amish men go to trade horses. For the Amish, horses are more like farm machinery than pets, they treat them kindly for they are “God’s creatures” but horses like Salem have to tough it out and do without daily brushings or modern-day veterinarians. Salem was a healthy full-figured horse but rough around the edges. Salem ’s owner was also rough around the edges, Helen was loud and nervous. Everything she knew about horses was learned on a beginner trail ride and Monty Robert’s hearsay. Mascara and dark eye shadow always filled the fine wrinkles around her eyes and her red fingernails were about two inches long. There is a saying in the horse world, "green on green makes black and blue". Meaning a new rider on a green horse is the perfect chemistry for bodily harm, Helen got lucky the day she bid on Salem. Salem, an old forgiving horse was the only type of horse this woman could've handled.
On a november night I was cantering a horse in the main ring when I heard shrieking so horrible you'd think a mother pterodactyl's nest was being raided. Salem came trotting up the path from the bridle path with his head pressed against his chest and mouth foaming against the bit. With crazed orange hair catching wind behind her, Helen was rocked to the back of her western saddle, reins held in a death grip under her chin. It was obvious to any horse person that something had probably spooked Salem and he had flinched out on trails thus scaring Helen who promptly began screaming which, in turn scared the poor horse even more. To this day I'm not sure how she did it, but Helen fell off and made the long journey from the back of her Percheron to the pavement. The whole situation was nothing to scream about, Helen, as I would learn in the next few months is a special case.
As far as my own limited teenaged knowledge went, Helen injured her back significantly and couldn't work. Because she couldn't work, she couldn't pay for her horse to be taken care of by professionals. Instead of giving him away to a good home, she chose to move him to a rough board facility. With facilities that call themselves rough board, the promises made between owner of the property and owner of the horse tend to be loosely based. Generally in exchange for a cheap place to keep your horse, you must be responsible for at the very least: feeding twice a day, turn out, and cleaning the stall. Along with arranging your own vet and farrier appointments. Now rough board isn't a death sentence if you know what you're doing, or you truly desperately want to learn and have someone pointing you in the the right direction. Helen qualified under neither one of those categories.
I'm not sure what she saw in a horse maybe a status symbol, a plaything to take out on weekends, maybe she sat at home and psychotically watched old westerns. She met her match at the new barn a man who seemed perplexed as everyone else as to how he managed to constantly have a circulating herd of unbroke crippled ponies. His name was Tony and his business, Tony's Ponies. Tony was the man that after school specials warned you about, if a man like Tony offered you ice cream or a puppy-- you run. It was a running joke, just who was more blatantly ignorant Helen or Tony. The humor got lost in the dozens of ponies Tony bought from and returned to auction after they had foundered or been considered a danger to society. People whispered that the horses were mistreated, that children were endangered and yet no one stopped them. Salem attended Tony's Ponies Parties as well and while he certainly wasn't a pony, he was a good deal safer than most of anything Tony brought home from sale. The horses spent their weekends at fairs walking on concrete lame, dehydrated, and disheartened. There became a point where not a single horse of theirs would walk past a certain point, knowing the trailer lay just beyond their line of vision.
Salem choked later on that winter. When a horse chokes their whole lifestyle changes, they become much more high maintenance. At the risk of choking again, Salem was limited to watered down hay, soaked alfalfa cubes, and rich grains to keep weight on. Helen stopped listening at "no dry hay ever" perhaps thinking she'd save a buck, she fed him a sopping bucket of poor quality grain twice a day. Even a year later she complained of her back pains and rarely cleaned his stall. Every now and then she'd wrangle a barn rat (a girl without a horse dying to muck a stall in exchange for riding time) into cleaning a stall that was filled giraffe-ass deep with shit. The ASPCA was constantly mentioned but never called, under the assumption the whole barn would close. He stood day in, day out in a dark stall stinking of ammonia with his ribs and hip bones rapidly growing more prominent. When the vet came to do spring shots she told Helen she would come back in two weeks and if there was no improvement she's have the horse seized. But there was no coming back from it for Salem because of his sudden drop in weight, at this point he weighed half of what he was supposed to, he foundered. The door to his stall bowed out and threatened to collapse under the weight that his great frame could no longer endure.
Bones stuck out in every direction, Salem looked like a black umbrella electrocuted and shredded to pieces. His dull coat that painfully stretched over his spine, hips, and ribs encased slow and shallow breathing. He was taken outside and laid out on the lawn like he was part of a garage sale. He was something broken and unfixable but something someone deluded themselves into believing was profitable. He was put down with Helen sobbing loudly. This is only hoping that those who passed his stall daily, who whispered about abuse, and yet did nothing more than top off his water bucket will not live so quietly or passively.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
(your soul is waxed and manicured)
your soul is waxed and manicured
by the same people who do your eyebrows
you decorated your heart like the hall of mirrors
an optical illusion, made of obsidian
meant to appear more expansive, comprehensive
but it's only just a wall
life in a walk up you called it
each stair a meditation sight
pissing in the snow
on a lower east side Manhattan rooftop
howling at the moon, talking at the stars
the rush of fucking
twenty stories high
you weren't there
just me.
Go ahead, ask me, if you feel so inclined
ask me if I care
the answer's written down here
but I have a feeling the ink evaporated
because either way it seems unlikely
I can answer honestly.
Go ahead, ask me if I care
I thought I left the answer
sitting there
or maybe it drowned in love puddles of saturday night
but maybe it rode the tail end of gas fumes
from sunday morning driving
from his front door.
it's ruining the air up there.
a hole in the ozone, a peep-hole to heaven
watch as the angels change into nightgowns
after putting curlers in their hair
beside a nightstand full of postmarked prayers
Angels move vertically but we move sideways
door to door,
eye to eye,
street to street.
silenced by the summer heat.
I know you, I know you
you're not who you say you are
or who you thought you'd be
by the same people who do your eyebrows
you decorated your heart like the hall of mirrors
an optical illusion, made of obsidian
meant to appear more expansive, comprehensive
but it's only just a wall
life in a walk up you called it
each stair a meditation sight
pissing in the snow
on a lower east side Manhattan rooftop
howling at the moon, talking at the stars
the rush of fucking
twenty stories high
you weren't there
just me.
Go ahead, ask me, if you feel so inclined
ask me if I care
the answer's written down here
but I have a feeling the ink evaporated
because either way it seems unlikely
I can answer honestly.
Go ahead, ask me if I care
I thought I left the answer
sitting there
or maybe it drowned in love puddles of saturday night
but maybe it rode the tail end of gas fumes
from sunday morning driving
from his front door.
it's ruining the air up there.
a hole in the ozone, a peep-hole to heaven
watch as the angels change into nightgowns
after putting curlers in their hair
beside a nightstand full of postmarked prayers
Angels move vertically but we move sideways
door to door,
eye to eye,
street to street.
silenced by the summer heat.
I know you, I know you
you're not who you say you are
or who you thought you'd be
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Dear, Pisces
Pisces, I'm doing what you asked me to do
It's 3 a.m and this pen is pining for you
This hand has no intention just following a magnetic drug
As each chamber of the heart begins to flood
Pisces, I don't even think you read star signs
It's 3 a.m and this pen is pining for you
This hand has no intention just following a magnetic drug
As each chamber of the heart begins to flood
Pisces, I don't even think you read star signs
Thursday, June 9, 2011
We walk talking the whole way
from the west side to the east
then downtown and across the bridge
there is nothing we don't say
how love is a convenience
it is convenient to say "I love you" before hanging up the phone
have a nice day, hi how are you?
the Metropolitan is pay as you wish
but the girl behind the counter still sneers at my two dollars
I used to go there for the air conditioning and the sphinx
used to buy my produce on 86th and Broadway
and when I couldn't buy food I sat near any statue
just to feel close to someone
Was it a prophecy?
that women stay silent for fear their teeth will shatter
that boys jump off the George Washington
because of the way they love
love, the great emancipator fallen on its own sword.
while the slow mechanics of day and night grind
powered by ancient calcified frustrations
they say the ice caps are melting
will it drown out this sorrow?
Sorrow knows the breast stroke
All these Brooklyn girls
with capsized perfume bottles and torn stockings
and dresses wilted on bedroom floors, dying to be freed
I have my armor, my headphones, my book
I need not look at any of you
a homeless man riding the subway singing "Hallelujah"
we all turn our heads and don't dare to breathe
he steals us and haunts us, we don't give him a cent
Pipes and needles, crushed adderall and K
basement shows and warehouse raves
just one night to feel like someone else
because drugs transform you, seduce you
they're all we know of love
from the west side to the east
then downtown and across the bridge
there is nothing we don't say
how love is a convenience
it is convenient to say "I love you" before hanging up the phone
have a nice day, hi how are you?
the Metropolitan is pay as you wish
but the girl behind the counter still sneers at my two dollars
I used to go there for the air conditioning and the sphinx
used to buy my produce on 86th and Broadway
and when I couldn't buy food I sat near any statue
just to feel close to someone
Was it a prophecy?
that women stay silent for fear their teeth will shatter
that boys jump off the George Washington
because of the way they love
love, the great emancipator fallen on its own sword.
while the slow mechanics of day and night grind
powered by ancient calcified frustrations
they say the ice caps are melting
will it drown out this sorrow?
Sorrow knows the breast stroke
All these Brooklyn girls
with capsized perfume bottles and torn stockings
and dresses wilted on bedroom floors, dying to be freed
I have my armor, my headphones, my book
I need not look at any of you
a homeless man riding the subway singing "Hallelujah"
we all turn our heads and don't dare to breathe
he steals us and haunts us, we don't give him a cent
Pipes and needles, crushed adderall and K
basement shows and warehouse raves
just one night to feel like someone else
because drugs transform you, seduce you
they're all we know of love
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Summer Reading
Only once did I get sent to sleep away summer camp, on a biking trip through Vermont with my best friend who, after about three days of close proximity, I decided to never speak to again. Except I did, a day later and this pattern continued throughout the trip the only thing to distract us from the pouring rain, the what seemed like 90 degree inclines, and that weird girl who at the tender age of 13 was already donning a thong. I wasn't prepared for the social aspect of SUMMER CAMP nor the amazing combinations of curses that would boil over as I begged god to strike me down right there on Mt. Terrible. No lie, we biked up a mountain named Mount Terrible.
In later years I've gotten a better grip as to what proper summer activities are and they include: leaving your house only under the cover of darkness and: moving as little as possible. Daytime activities are pretty much limited to T.V., eating, and book reading. You can't eat too much you don't want to be that girl who got fat over summer. You can't watch too much T.V. because you'll get cancer and/or bad ideas if you watch a marathon of Killers: And the Women Who Love Them. The only safe bet is reading it's entertaining and it's retro. In case you haven't heard all the kids are going retro these days and putting feathers in their hair. Anyways, here are some of my summer time favorites I like to revisit.
In later years I've gotten a better grip as to what proper summer activities are and they include: leaving your house only under the cover of darkness and: moving as little as possible. Daytime activities are pretty much limited to T.V., eating, and book reading. You can't eat too much you don't want to be that girl who got fat over summer. You can't watch too much T.V. because you'll get cancer and/or bad ideas if you watch a marathon of Killers: And the Women Who Love Them. The only safe bet is reading it's entertaining and it's retro. In case you haven't heard all the kids are going retro these days and putting feathers in their hair. Anyways, here are some of my summer time favorites I like to revisit.
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You can spend ALL your summers reading this. But seriously, beautiful novel. |
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Nobody thinks like Kelly Link. So weird, so wonderful. |
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J.D. Salinger wishes he could write like DBC Pierre. |
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Angsty graphic novel about a friendship falling apart. |
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Esther Greenwood spent her summer vacation trying to kill herself. |
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Experience the dangers of love, red heads, and pyramids. |
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Futures I Might've Had Come Like A Breath From the Tomb
Here is a list of how I thought my life could've turned out, a life full of fun, prosperity, and self-enlightenment.
Age 3: I can live outdoors always with Winnie the Pooh except I'll always hang out with Tigger because he's cool and can bounce really high. He also takes care of Piglet, who let's face it would totally get picked on if Tigger wasn't around. My babysitter Harriet can make us snacks and knit us things when it gets cold.
Age 7: I will win a trip to hang out with the Spice Girls. Baby Spice will die tragically in a plat-form shoe accident. While we mourn her death, the other spices will discover that I have singing and dancing skills and I'll become the new Baby. Everyone will love me and that swing set in the tour bus will be MINE.
Age 11: I will grow up, learn to play an instrument, have cute short red hair which I'll wear butterfly barrettes in. I'll become famous somehow and those bitches that won't let me sit on the bus with them will rue the day. While I'm out being SUCCESSFUL and well-liked, even loved they might develop that condition where they loose all their hair or maybe their houses will become infested with rats and the rats will chew it off along with some limbs.
Age 15: I will go to college, a really lovely one full of trees and brick buildings built before 1940. I'll read lots of books and wear lots of flattering sweaters. There will be a boy also wearing a flattering sweater in the library reading On the Road who will look up and we'll lock eyes. He will be mesmerized by my intellect and quiet beauty, we will travel the world together.
None of these things happened, the Spice Girls broke up, Harriet retired to Florida, and that boy doesn't and will never exist. I do own a couple of sweaters, however.
Age 3: I can live outdoors always with Winnie the Pooh except I'll always hang out with Tigger because he's cool and can bounce really high. He also takes care of Piglet, who let's face it would totally get picked on if Tigger wasn't around. My babysitter Harriet can make us snacks and knit us things when it gets cold.
Age 7: I will win a trip to hang out with the Spice Girls. Baby Spice will die tragically in a plat-form shoe accident. While we mourn her death, the other spices will discover that I have singing and dancing skills and I'll become the new Baby. Everyone will love me and that swing set in the tour bus will be MINE.
Age 11: I will grow up, learn to play an instrument, have cute short red hair which I'll wear butterfly barrettes in. I'll become famous somehow and those bitches that won't let me sit on the bus with them will rue the day. While I'm out being SUCCESSFUL and well-liked, even loved they might develop that condition where they loose all their hair or maybe their houses will become infested with rats and the rats will chew it off along with some limbs.
Age 15: I will go to college, a really lovely one full of trees and brick buildings built before 1940. I'll read lots of books and wear lots of flattering sweaters. There will be a boy also wearing a flattering sweater in the library reading On the Road who will look up and we'll lock eyes. He will be mesmerized by my intellect and quiet beauty, we will travel the world together.
None of these things happened, the Spice Girls broke up, Harriet retired to Florida, and that boy doesn't and will never exist. I do own a couple of sweaters, however.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
You Bring Out the Worst In Your Mother
Happy Mother's Day!!! Hope you and your maternal figure are as functional as this...
"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness"...
"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness"...
Christina Crawford: Yes, Mommie.
Joan Crawford: Yes, Mommie what?
Christina Crawford: Yes, Mommie Dearest.
Joan Crawford: When I told you to call me that, I wanted you to mean it.
-Mommie Dearest
"Oh PUH-LEASE, everything I've said about you can be covered up with make up and a lie about a thyroid problem!"
-Lucielle Bluth from Arrested Development
"Do you think life is all sunshine, singing and colors when you grow up? I should say not. You are bad. You are spoiled rotten. You better learn quick."
-Hattie, the mother of Sybil
I am bad, I am spoiled rotten, I kinda hate you but I will buy you flowers once a year.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I Saw It on the Jesus Channel (so it must be true)

Jesus: So who are you?
Me: Well, astrologically, I'm a Libra the scales you know, into balance so that defines me as kind of an idealist, a romantic which I guess is true although in this day and age the idea of love is so confusing. I thought I was in love once and maybe I was, but how do you know? I mean, think about how many oth..
Jesus: No, your name.
Me: Oh, Liz.
Jesus: Were you baptized?
Me: Oh yeah Protestant, although I have to be honest I never actually attended church. I mean I DO consider myself spiritual just not religious you know? I think just being outside and enjoying nature and people and life in general is enough to, you know...hey have you read Walt Whitman?
Jesus: No (scribbles on some holy notebook paper in Latin maybe?) Your facebook says you're an Atheist, is that true?
Me: Well, a skeptical Atheist? Ok you have to see it from my perspective, in second grade we put an ice cube on a plate in the morning it was gone that's how we learned about evaporation. You see that was easy to believe and understand, if you wanted you could watch that ice cube all night no tooth fairy or Santa Claus was going to take it. You could watch as that ice cube got smaller and smaller turning to liquid and then vapor. Hard evidence I guess is what I'm talking about, in my lifetime there's been no falsifiable hypothesis regarding your existence.
Jesus: And this earth, your body, your experiences are not evidence enough?
Me: I guess not? I see your point, no offense but my idea of God was more like the atom bomb. An artist's paint on canvas, a creation take it or leave it. Well I'll be frank, I never really expected to have a face to face conversation with God or any of his relatives. Does God have relations other than you I mean?
Jesus: (ignoring the question) What does the word "faith" mean to you?
Me: Faith, I have faith I'll wake up in the morning, have to pee, my breath will stink from what I ate the night I guess that's not faith. Can you seriously expect a person to have faith with gas prices this high?
Jesus: (grunts) And where do you see yourself in five years?
Me: New Mexico with lots of dogs and horses but I guess that's up in the air because you know (gestures towards Jesus)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Bunny Appreciation Day
Personally, my favorite holidays are ones that involve candy. Now I'm not exactly sure how the crucifixion and the rise of Jesus eventually led to a really rad bunny hiding candy, it's probably an incident of misinterpreting the message. "Thou shalt not kill, chocolate makes people happy and fat so stuff yer face," I'm only guessing this as my faithful internet only yields freaky religious blogs that also put down Santa when asked this question. We live in a Godless nation but I can get over that and simply because chocolate eggs are THAT good and bunnies are THAT cute.
So to celebrate Easter and spring for that matter, I recommend one novel and two series that will make you think next time you see a cute little cotton-tailed behind darting into the woods or sitting in a box in a dark movie theater.
Watership Down by Richard Adams
This is basically the history of rabbits containing rabbit folklore and religion. A small little rabbit named Fiver receives a premonition that the home they live in is no longer safe. This is a tale of great adventure and heroic deeds. You will cry, laugh, and come away from this novel understanding so much more about digging tunnels.
Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
What kind of person would I be if I didn't mention this one? I owe so much to Peter and his mother Mrs. Josephine Rabbit and I can't forget his sisters Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail.
Bunnicula by James Howe
A series that is appropriate for both Easter and Halloween! Told from the perspective of a dog named Harold who shares his house with a cat named Chester and humans that go by the last name Monroe. Found in a dark theater playing "Dracula" Bunnicula is a vampire rabbit who sucks the juice out of vegetables leaving them quite white and dead. An absolute thriller.
So to celebrate Easter and spring for that matter, I recommend one novel and two series that will make you think next time you see a cute little cotton-tailed behind darting into the woods or sitting in a box in a dark movie theater.

This is basically the history of rabbits containing rabbit folklore and religion. A small little rabbit named Fiver receives a premonition that the home they live in is no longer safe. This is a tale of great adventure and heroic deeds. You will cry, laugh, and come away from this novel understanding so much more about digging tunnels.
Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
What kind of person would I be if I didn't mention this one? I owe so much to Peter and his mother Mrs. Josephine Rabbit and I can't forget his sisters Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail.
Bunnicula by James Howe
A series that is appropriate for both Easter and Halloween! Told from the perspective of a dog named Harold who shares his house with a cat named Chester and humans that go by the last name Monroe. Found in a dark theater playing "Dracula" Bunnicula is a vampire rabbit who sucks the juice out of vegetables leaving them quite white and dead. An absolute thriller.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
No Money? No Problem!
Ok, so many of us are strapped for cash these days. Some of us have illegitimate children, some of us just had our car towed (thanks Brooklyn!), car insurance, rent, ad boredom ad nausea. But boy if you google "what to do when you have no money" some great ideas from the greatest minds will grace your little lap top screen!
"I like to walk around the lakes and play raquetball. It gets my agressions out and its a great workout. I also like to go bowling. It's cheap and also a good workout. I have two neices and two nephews so when I go home I chase them around for hours outside. I just like to play"
...says one gentile user on the CollegeNET forum. He might find that that lining his nieces and nephews against a wall and pegging them with little rubber balls will better soothe this aggressive spirit and at the same time will instill in his younger relatives a lesson that gets harder to accept with age: life is cruel. It's also a great workout.
"this is such a cute topic! it is true that you don't have to spend a lot to have fun. I especially like window shopping at the mall or downtown. Did you know you actually walk a mile without noticing at a mall? it is good exercise! i like taking walks at the lagoon near my school, its such a good place to take pictures or just relax. there is even a place to have a picnic! ALL free!"
I also like window shopping and listlessly walking through the mall lost, wondering why all American Apparel models look like 13 year olds aspiring to be anorexic porn stars. It's like the chicken or the egg, are they aspiring 13 year old sluts or ARE they already 20 year old NYU kids into blow?
"I love to take pictures. Im really into photography and currently Im making a scrapboook of my boyfriends kids...its been real fun but the scrapbooking gets expensive when you first have to buy the stuff digital pictures are not that expensive. I got walmart and can print about 75 pictures for about 14 bucks..its great"
but see while you're supporting your boyfriends kids (seriously you're THAT into them? whatever), while you're developing film at Walmart you're exploiting other small children who work for pennies a day so when your boy comes home from banging whoever he can peruse through your scrapbooks.
"Not to sound too pathetic, but, I’m not from here so I really can’t say that I have any friends here. So I can’t go to McD’s and share a fry (actually I’ve never eaten there, I’d go to Chipotle instead). Anyway, you get my point… The people at my college that I’ve met all have families and they are busy with them.
No friends in Minnesota
Too cold to go to a snow covered park
Anything free to do in Minnesota?
As for outdoor sports in the winter, that's not for me.
I think that the mall would get old real quick, going by myself, besides it takes gas to get there.
I’m in a real pickle, financially. I’ve never been so unstable before in my life, financially.
I’m just about to lose my mind going stir crazy in the house.
At least I’ve got via the internet:)"
No wonder it sounds like you want to kill yourself, you're only joy in life is You're in Minnesota, go stalk (and stalking is totally free!) the members of Doomtree, Atmosphere, and Brother Ali. I'll spot you for your Chipotle after we talk about how great hip hop is. One veggie taco only, I too have no money.
"I like to walk around the lakes and play raquetball. It gets my agressions out and its a great workout. I also like to go bowling. It's cheap and also a good workout. I have two neices and two nephews so when I go home I chase them around for hours outside. I just like to play"
...says one gentile user on the CollegeNET forum. He might find that that lining his nieces and nephews against a wall and pegging them with little rubber balls will better soothe this aggressive spirit and at the same time will instill in his younger relatives a lesson that gets harder to accept with age: life is cruel. It's also a great workout.
"this is such a cute topic! it is true that you don't have to spend a lot to have fun. I especially like window shopping at the mall or downtown. Did you know you actually walk a mile without noticing at a mall? it is good exercise! i like taking walks at the lagoon near my school, its such a good place to take pictures or just relax. there is even a place to have a picnic! ALL free!"
I also like window shopping and listlessly walking through the mall lost, wondering why all American Apparel models look like 13 year olds aspiring to be anorexic porn stars. It's like the chicken or the egg, are they aspiring 13 year old sluts or ARE they already 20 year old NYU kids into blow?
"I love to take pictures. Im really into photography and currently Im making a scrapboook of my boyfriends kids...its been real fun but the scrapbooking gets expensive when you first have to buy the stuff digital pictures are not that expensive. I got walmart and can print about 75 pictures for about 14 bucks..its great"
but see while you're supporting your boyfriends kids (seriously you're THAT into them? whatever), while you're developing film at Walmart you're exploiting other small children who work for pennies a day so when your boy comes home from banging whoever he can peruse through your scrapbooks.
"Not to sound too pathetic, but, I’m not from here so I really can’t say that I have any friends here. So I can’t go to McD’s and share a fry (actually I’ve never eaten there, I’d go to Chipotle instead). Anyway, you get my point… The people at my college that I’ve met all have families and they are busy with them.
No friends in Minnesota
Too cold to go to a snow covered park
Anything free to do in Minnesota?
As for outdoor sports in the winter, that's not for me.
I think that the mall would get old real quick, going by myself, besides it takes gas to get there.
I’m in a real pickle, financially. I’ve never been so unstable before in my life, financially.
I’m just about to lose my mind going stir crazy in the house.
At least I’ve got via the internet:)"
No wonder it sounds like you want to kill yourself, you're only joy in life is You're in Minnesota, go stalk (and stalking is totally free!) the members of Doomtree, Atmosphere, and Brother Ali. I'll spot you for your Chipotle after we talk about how great hip hop is. One veggie taco only, I too have no money.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Vegan Lima Bean and Chipotle Soup!

Serves: 4-6
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20-40 minutes
10 cups of water
1 pound of lima beans (dry or frozen)
1 yellow onion
1 head of garlic
1 lime
1-2 chipotle peppers*
2-4 teaspoons of adobo sauce *
1 teaspoon of sea-salt
2 tablespoons of earth balance butter (or any dairy free butter just check the label)
*I didn't know this but the brand Goya has chipotle peppers canned in adobo sauce which you can find in most grocery stores.
What To Do:
1. If you're using dry lima beans put them in boiling water and have them cook for 30-40 minutes. If you are using frozen lima beans skip to step two for now.
2. Separate the cloves of garlic and discard the outer peels and cut the tips off the cloves. Throw the cloves in with their peels (it's weird but just do it!) and have the garlic and lima beans cook together.
3. While that is boiling, dice the onion, if you're using a large mayan sweet onion you can probably get away with using only half. In a skillet, add the butter and let it melt before adding the onions. Add the chipotle peppers and the adobo sauce, depending on how spicy you want it to be you can be as liberal as you like.
4. If you have frozen lima beans now is about the time to add them to your boiling pot of garlic. Now is also the time to add your salt.
5. Let the combination in the skillet sizzle and fill your nostrils with a wonderful smoky aroma. You want the onions to caramelize (until the onions look a little translucent) before taking them off the flame.
6. At this point the lima beans should be close to done so take the ingredients from your skillet and add them to the lima beans and garlic. Squeeze half a lime in there for flavor and let this simmer for about 5 minutes before serving.
7. Use the rest of that lime to garnish drinks or use for tequila shots and enjoy!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Vegan Carrot Muffins (To Be Shared With A Horse)
If you're in the mood for something scrumptious and have some time on your hands try this!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 60-70 minutes

What you're gonna need:
3-4 large carrots
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
2 tsp. of vanilla extract
2 tsp. of molasses
2 1/2 cupsof all purpose flour
1/2 tsp. of salt
2 tsp. of cinnamon
2 pinch of nutmeg
1 tsp. baking powder
What to do:
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Blend carrots, don't overwhelm the blender slice each carrot and add one carrot at a time. Add sugar,oil,vanilla, and molasses. Don't puree this mixture just make it so it's a good mash.
3. In a bowl mix the flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking powder. Mix the wet and dry ingredients together. If you want you can add dried cranberries or raisins or nuts or all of that! Get creative!
4. Bake in a greased muffin tin or in a 9x5 loaf pan for 60-70 minutes. Stick a fork in 'em to make sure it's not still gooey on the inside.
5. Let those babies cool before devouring them.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 60-70 minutes

What you're gonna need:
3-4 large carrots
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
2 tsp. of vanilla extract
2 tsp. of molasses
2 1/2 cupsof all purpose flour
1/2 tsp. of salt
2 tsp. of cinnamon
2 pinch of nutmeg
1 tsp. baking powder
What to do:
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Blend carrots, don't overwhelm the blender slice each carrot and add one carrot at a time. Add sugar,oil,vanilla, and molasses. Don't puree this mixture just make it so it's a good mash.
3. In a bowl mix the flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking powder. Mix the wet and dry ingredients together. If you want you can add dried cranberries or raisins or nuts or all of that! Get creative!
4. Bake in a greased muffin tin or in a 9x5 loaf pan for 60-70 minutes. Stick a fork in 'em to make sure it's not still gooey on the inside.
5. Let those babies cool before devouring them.
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